About me…

I’m Adele, a wedding photographer from the steel city of Sheffield. I cover the whole of Yorkshire and beyond.

I really love what I do, I feel utterly privileged to play such an important role in one of the most important days of your lives, capturing your memories as they are happening, for you to keep and treasure for the rest of your lives.

My style is very natural and relaxed. I love to capture events as they unfold. My favorite weddings are the ones where a truly loved up couple surrounds themselves with people they love and they just have a great time celebrating their relationship. Thats what it’s all about.

Where it all began…

I have been obsessed with photography since I can remember, as a young child I used to beg for disposable cameras (because i’m old) and I used to take photographs of literally everything. I was utterly obsessed with documenting my life and everyone in it.

When I left school I studied fine art and photography. Back then we used film and dark rooms (I realise this makes me sound ridiculously old). It was amazing fun to see the images unfold before my eyes.

I left college and fell into various random jobs, and slowly my photography dreams slipped away. I often used to say that my dream job would be a wedding photographer but I thought id missed my chance, until one day I decided life is too short, you need to do what makes you happy, so fast forward about 15 years and I returned to education and completed a degree in photography.

Many photographers will tell you that you don’t need a qualification in photography to be a photographer and I wholeheartedly agree. So many photographers that I admire do not have a qualification in photography or Art. But for me it gave me the opportunity to try a bit of everything and to really find my own style and to develop my skills and I feel I am a much more confident photographer as a result.

Photographing weddings is my dream job, I know how cheesy that sounds, but it’s utterly true. I am a natural people watcher, I could sit and watch people all day long and never get bored. I invest so much into your day, I will laugh with you, I will cry with you, and it’s not unheard of for me to be there hoisting you into your spanks or dancing with you on the disco floor.

I generally try to blend into your day, capturing people in their natural moments, and documenting the day honestly, as it happens, because a wedding day is real, and anything goes at weddings (believe me).

Your day will go so fast, its important to me that you spend as much time as possible with the people you care about, and it’s my job to capture all those precious moments for you.


Random Facts…

I am a northerner, I love gravy and Yorkshire puddings. I hate cheese (yes I know, and yes I do hate all cheeses not just the stinky ones), I love Indie music and a bit of cheesy pop. I love to travel and walking in the countryside, luckily for me I live a stones throw away from the Peak District. I love a good pie, and drinking in a pub garden. I don’t eat red meat because i’ve watched too many documentaries. I have a 9 year old son, he is super cheeky - In a good way. I love my family and friends. I have a totally random sense of humour and I laugh a lot - at not a lot. I have about 20 red lip sticks - but I can never find one. My favourite biscuit is a chocolate hobnob (excellent dunkers), I love meeting new people and trying new things, and I believe you should never stop pushing yourself to be a better person.

So, if you think we might be a good match, please get in touch, id love to hear all about your plans.

Adele x