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Whats your style?

This is a good question, because all photographers have a different style and approach, and there is no right or wrong, its all about finding the right match for you. Im quite a chilled out person, I don’t like to make a big song and dance when I arrive, the day isn’t about me, its all about you. I tend to try to blend into the background as much as possible, capturing lots of candid intimate moments. I won’t make you stand around for hours awkwardly posing, instead I will give you some small prompts to encourage you to interact together naturally whilst i creep around you capturing the real smiles and giggles (often at my own rubbish jokes).

Will there be a second shooter?

My full day package includes a second shooter. I generally work with the same photographer, but in the event that she is ill or unavialble on your date, I have a number of excellent photographers to assist me in covering your day.

What type of gear do you use?

I am a Nikon girl. I shoot on two cameras, with two different lenses. I shoot to two cards simultaneously on both cameras to keep your images safe.

Are you insured?

Yes. I have Public liability and professional indemnity insurance.

Do you shoot elopement and destination weddings?

I love destination and elopement weddings. I am happy to go pretty much anywhere to capture your special day, even your great Aunt Sue’s Allotment if that is what floats your boat. Get in touch and let’s discuss your day.

Whats the booking process?

Once I have confirmed that your date is availble and we have had a chat about your plans, its just a £100 booking fee, and a signed copy of my contract to get you booked in.

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